What is a "simp"?
In today's world there are people that feel love for someone, or just help someone like a boy helping a girl or a boy asking for homework from a girl, that boys after that get called simps or simples with no reason, however is not only that but that word is spreading too much and hundreds of hundreds of people get bullied and harrased by people calling them simps, together we can stop this bullying, this word originated from boys donating on twitch streams to girls but now boys get called simps for everything they do, literally everything, even looking at a girl

How bad can this word be?
There are victims of the simp word that said first they get called simp and after some time it gets that worse that the person that called them simp is selling their personal info only because of hate and because he is a "cool anti simp" and its not ok at all!

If I am a victim, what can I do to stop this and help others at the same time?
If you are tired, and want to help others, you can spread the word #stopcallingmeasimp on social media and help to stop this, because you may not know but a hastag is very important, and if it grows people will see how tired you are of that word because simp is not a word to play with, it isnt even a word, it a new bullying style!
there are NO simps

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